Posts Tagged ‘neuroscience’
brain experiments

“Beauty too rich for use…”

  When literate people quote The Bard you can bet dollars to donuts they are limning Shakespeare. In the quixotic world of neuroscience, it’s different. Here, The Bard is G. Bard Ermentrout, University Professor of Mathe...
artificial intelligence

Read All about It: Neuroscience questions answered

  Anyone comparing the title of today’s blog and the website memorialized may experience cognitive dissonance. Or has the editor succumbed completely to physics fetishism? In point of fact, this venerable website contain...
Why Con

The science game

Once upon a time, guys and gals read the sports pages for the drama of how their teams and their favorite sports warriors were doing. Batting averages, total yards gained, what Federer wore to Center Court at Wimbledon, these w...



  “If one figures out how to create energy from the vacuum or transmit information faster than light, it’ll surely be done by applying the theory in new and unexpected ways, rather than by using specific experimental r...
brain science

We never know what we are talking about

Bertrand Russell said it. But when we try to talk about some things in neuroscience including consciousness science, mathematics creeps in on little cat feet. One of those things is patterns. Cook up a big ol’ heap o’ data,...
Why Con


  If anything can be said to exist, there is a philosopher prepared to debate its existence. Likewise in neuroscience, amusements become canonical, as in the website featuring the drawing above, and someone will step up to...

Why Con

Time to change your stackbroker?

The activity now known as ‘crowdsourcing’ has been around for eons. Only the technology has changed. Long ago and far away, if you wanted to present a question to a group of people, you picked a caravan route, made your que...
Why Con

The Many-Themed Notebooks of Dr. Shalizi

            Who is this person who looks like Trotsky*, writes like Nietzsche and since 1999 has gifted the neuroscience world with his opinions on almost everything of interest to neuroscience res...
"Colin Clifford Image Consciousness Online mbSci"
"Colin Clifford Image Consciousness Online mbSci"
"Colin Clifford Image Consciousness Online mbSci"

Consciousness Online: Colin Clifford on the Neural Signature of Consciousness

Colin Clifford, a psychologist at the University of Sydney, is involved in the so-called mind reading movement in neuroscience. In this video presentation, Clifford offers an accessible and rigorous introduction to this new an...

brain networks
"Stuart Firestein mbSci Advisory Board Ignorance Author"
"Stuart Firestein mbSci Advisory Board Ignorance Author"
"Stuart Firestein mbSci Advisory Board Ignorance Author"

Stuart Firestein, PhD: Pleasures of Scientific Mystery and the Cultivation of Doubt

Dr. Stuart Firestein is the Chair of Columbia University’s Department of Biological Sciences where his highly popular course on ignorance invites working scientists to come talk to students each week about what they don’...