Posts Tagged ‘mind’
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Cosmic Symphony — A Deeper Look at Quantum Consciousness

From: The rise of quantum consciousness could be the biggest step our species has taken since it came down from the trees. It would bring us to a new stage of species maturity — and could also enable us to surm...
Scicon Review

6 More Reasons to Meditate

From: Psychology Today Why meditate? Outside of religious contexts, the most common reason is stress management. But as these latest research findings demonstrate, meditation is much more than just a relaxation technique. Here ...
Scicon Review

Why Animals Are Biologically Conscious. The conscious brain has a long evolutionary history.

From: The Blog of Dr. Bernard J. Baars inPsychology Today To the best of our knowledge, consciousness depends upon brains, and brains are biological organs. In a boxing match, a blow to the jaw often leads to a loss of consciou...

Scicon Review

Charlie Rose: The Brain Series

The Charlie Rose Brain Series consists of interviews with some of the most knowledgeable scientists and researchers studying the human brain, including Drs. Eric Kandel and Oliver Sacks. Each monthly episode examines different ...
Scicon Review

The Vegetative State and the Science of Consciousness

Article in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science N. Shea, T. Bayne Abstract Consciousness in experimental subjects is typically inferred from reports and other forms of voluntary behaviour. A wealth of everyday experien...
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The Default Network: Your Mind, on Its Own Time

From The Dana Foundation: Studies about the brain usually focus on neural activity during the completion of a specific task—remembering a series of words, for example. But over the last 20 years, researchers have been interes...

Scicon Review

What research paradigms have cognitive psychologists used to study “False memory,” and what are the implications of these choices?

K. Pezdek, S. Lam Article in Consciousness and Cognition Abstract This research examines the methodologies employed by cognitive psychologists to study “false memory“, and assesses if these methodologies are likely ...
Scicon Review

Could an Experimental Memory Drug Put an End to “Senior Moments”?

From: Discover Magazine Online: A new drug seems to be able to reverse normal age-related memory decline in old mice–like a face-lift for neurons, bringing them back to their younger days. The results of the experimental trea...