Posts Tagged ‘EEG’
altered states
Get relaxed and that’s an order! In his best-selling book PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS, Dr. Maxwell Maltz introduced the Relaxation Response, a volitional program for turning OFF the fight-fl...
brain imaging
Nicole Gage, PhD: Understanding Temporal Dynamics of Auditory Language Processing
A central focus of our research is understanding the temporal dynamics of auditory language processing. We use a combination of brain imaging techniques such as anatomical magnetic resonance imaging (aMRI), Magnetoencephalograp...
Why Con
Catch the Wavelets
If you are learning about wavelets for the first time, or if you need a good refresher, this is the site to visit first. After all, it’s #1 on Google.
Why Con
The Search for Me
With the help of a hammer-wielding scientist, Jennifer Aniston and a general anaesthetic, Professor Marcus du Sautoy goes in search of answers to one of science's greatest mysteries: how do we know who we are?