Posts Tagged ‘brain science’

The Evolving Third Culture

he Art|Sci Center is dedicated to pursuing and promoting the evolving “Third Culture” by facilitating the infinite potential of collaborations between (media) arts and (bio/nano) sciences. The center’s affiliation with th...

Complex Architecture of our Neurons

Greg Dunn is an artist that creates dazzling works of enamel, gold leaf and ink inspired by science.
Why Con
"Build an Atom with PhET Sims"
"Build an Atom with PhET Sims"
"Build an Atom with PhET Sims"

PhET Sims + Science Literacy

PhET’s mission is to increase science literacy, especially for nonscientists.


The Mind’s Laughter: fMRI from Japan.

Whether you know it or not, your brain acts out the words you hear. For example, a study led by Naoyuki Osaka of Kyoto University (Japan) shows that the motor cortex revs up in response to words like "belly laugh.”
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"Join MBSci Today Consciousness is the Bridge"
"Join MBSci Today Consciousness is the Bridge"
"Join MBSci Today Consciousness is the Bridge"

Why Consciousness Science?

The study of consciousness is emerging from a century of scientific taboo. We suggest it is the key to respect for sentient beings and our shared humanity.
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"Brain Info Logo Art"
"Brain Info Logo Art"
"Brain Info Logo Art"

Brain Info

BrainInfo helps one identify structures in the brain. One can either search by a structure name or locate the structure in a brain atlas and get information such as its location in the classical brain hierarchy, images of the s...

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"3D Brain Diagram"
"3D Brain Diagram"
"3D Brain Diagram"

The Search for Me

With the help of a hammer-wielding scientist, Jennifer Aniston and a general anaesthetic, Professor Marcus du Sautoy goes in search of answers to one of science's greatest mysteries: how do we know who we are?
Why Con
"Dr. Henri Montandon in Native American Headress"
"Dr. Henri Montandon in Native American Headress"
"Dr. Henri Montandon in Native American Headress"

Cool Runnings: Notable websites for consciousness science

Consciousness science is highly interdisciplinary, and Cool Runnings will reflect this, featuring sites from all over the pedagogical map.
"Connectivity in Human Brain"
"Connectivity in Human Brain"
"Connectivity in Human Brain"

Breakthrough: A brain measure of consciousness?

Effective connectivity refers to a causal link between two or more brain areas, as if signal traffic can now flow over a highway system.

"Consciousness is Humanizing Post It Memo"
"Consciousness is Humanizing Post It Memo"
"Consciousness is Humanizing Post It Memo"

Gerald Edelman: From Brain Dynamics to Consciousness + How Matter Becomes Imagination

Suppose we did understand everything about how your brain works ... So, do you think it would not work by beliefs, desires, and intentions?