Posts Tagged ‘brain research’
abnormal psych
Will what is missing solve consciousness?
In the world of scientific discovery and entrepaneurship, scholars often seem like the homeless of the institutional world. Yet in the midden of overwhelming masses of informatio...
From the website: Connexions is: a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Anyone may view or contribute: authors create ...
brain experiments
The Great Brain Experiment
A screen from The Great Brain Experiment iPhone app. The following news is from: The free app is being launched at the start of this year’s Bra...
altered states
Walter Freeman and the Order of William James
The Society for Mind Brain Sciences aims to quicken public and scientific interest in consciousness science. It is worth recalling that in the United States consciousness science was among the earliest topics considered in the ...
artificial intelligence
Read All about It: Neuroscience questions answered
Anyone comparing the title of today’s blog and the website memorialized may experience cognitive dissonance. Or has the editor succumbed completely to physics fetishism? In point of fact, this venerable website contain...
abnormal psych
Technology, Entertainment, Design Talks
TED Talks Has anyone not heard of TED Talks? Apparently, because I still often find people who respond to mention of TED Talks in a way that reminds me of the old joke about medical students: Why do medical students have hunche...
Your own mouse brain
A few years ago I let slide a scanning electron microscope for sale on eBay for $800. I am glad I let it go. Dr. Partha Mitra and the good folks at MIT are presenting to the neuroscience community and the general public an atla...
Why Con
The science game
Once upon a time, guys and gals read the sports pages for the drama of how their teams and their favorite sports warriors were doing. Batting averages, total yards gained, what Federer wore to Center Court at Wimbledon, these w...
“If one figures out how to create energy from the vacuum or transmit information faster than light, it’ll surely be done by applying the theory in new and unexpected ways, rather than by using specific experimental r...
Studio One
Scientific Integration + Media Synthesis = The Feeling Brain
Better communication in science and education can have vast ripple effects for advancing creativity, innovation, entrepreneurialism and humanity.