Pain Resources
In the recent Webscan on HMS Beagle, Cindy Siewert localizes some of the web resources for the present knowledge on pain and related issues. Some of the features are links to brain scans of subjects in both chronic and acute pain. WebscanIn the recent Webscan on HMS Beagle, Cindy Siewert localizes some of the web […]
In the recent Webscan on HMS Beagle, Cindy Siewert localizes some of the web resources for the present knowledge on pain and related issues. Some of the features are links to brain scans of subjects in both chronic and acute pain.
WebscanIn the recent Webscan on HMS Beagle, Cindy Siewert localizes some of the web resources for the present knowledge on pain and related issues. Some of the features are links to brain scans of subjects in both chronic and acute pain.
“Pain – like few other things – unites all humans. We all suffer from it, at least now and then, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, nationality, race, or sexual orientation. Nevertheless, all of us experience pain in solitude, and communicating the actual experience is notoriously difficult. What one person considers a simple touch might be felt as painful by another. Pain can even be felt in parts of the body that no longer exist, as is clear from the perception of aches in phantom limbs, which are “invisible” limbs that often appear following amputation. According to The Pain Web, over 1,200 online sites – containing over 3 million pages – address the topic of pain. Consequently, this WebScan just scratches the surface of available resources.”