Understanding MindBrain

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Brain Waves and Meditation

From: ScienceDaily.com Forget about crystals and candles, and about sitting and breathing in awkward ways. Meditation research explores how the brain works when we refrain from concentration, rumination and intentional thinking...

How Brain Activity is Linked to Sleep

From: PsychCentral.com Brain activity during times of wakefulness affects sleep and sleep quality. While researchers have been aware of this for some time, a clear understanding of how the mechanisms triggering sleep occur has ...

Sizing Up Consciousness by Its Bits

From: NYTimes.com One day in 2007, Dr. Giulio Tononi lay on a hospital stretcher as an anesthesiologist prepared him for surgery. For Dr. Tononi, it was a moment of intellectual exhilaration. He is a distinguished chair in cons...

“Erasing” Traumatic Memories Moving from Science Fiction to Scientific Reality

From: TheGlobeandMail.com The brain has a remarkable capacity for keeping track of our past experiences. But detailed memories can sometimes seem more a curse than a blessing. This is especially true for those who’ve suffered...

Trends in Neuroscience: Table of Contents January 2011

The January issue of Trends in Neuroscience is available online. Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 1-50 Opinion Review ________________________________________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________________

Neuroscientist, VS Ramachandran: The neurons that Shaped Civilization

Enjoy this short video: From: Ted.com Neuroscientist Vilayanur Ramachandran outlines the fascinating functions of mirror neurons. Only recently discovered, these neurons allow us to learn complex social behaviors, some of which...