What is the nature of attention deficits following right side lesions? A common syndrome is the unilateral neglect phenomenon. However, even if patients do not meet the criteria for such a disorder, right hemispheric lesions pr...
One building block of our sense of self is thought to be a body experience — a physical boundary that separates oneself from the environment. In a study published in Neuropsychologia Graziano & Cooke focus on two spec...
In an article to be published in a forthcoming issue of Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Dr Christopher Badcock and Professor Bernard Crespi explore the ‘imprinted brain hypothesis’ to explain the cause and effect o...
A new experiment has shed more light on the multi-decade debate about how the brain knows where limbs are without looking at them.
A version of a gene previously linked to impulsive violence appears to weaken brain circuits that regulate impulses, emotional memory and thinking in humans, researchers at the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Nation...
There is now a call for submissions in the journal Visual Studies on a special issue called “The Visible Curriculum”.