Do all people experience stimulation of each sense independently? Accumulating evidence suggests that a special kind of perceptual phenomenon – syhesthesia – leads to a confusion of the specific senses. The problem ...
Despite the recent ‘Race for consciousness’, many neuro-scientific approaches have failed to use the concept of ‘attention’ as a guide to consciousness. In this review, John G. Taylor claims that conscio...
A breakthrough in testing unconsciousness during anesthesia So you thought that research in consciousness did not have any practical applications? Now, researchers are monitoring your level of consciousness during deep anesthes...
Are you in control of your faculties? When you suddenly are in a bad mood, do you really know why? Why you can be in a bad mood without knowing why Carl Gustav Jung, one of the early psychoanalysts, once said that just as we ca...
Even if you do not see the fine graitings on a screen, it might cause alterations to how you experience a stimulus afterwards. What you don’t see now will affect what you see next Vision is not perfect. The human eye is only ...