mbSci and its programs will support international collaboration for research, education, and public outreach by supporting the integration of the mind brain sciences community; developing novel and effective educational tools and reaching out to the general audience.
n all outreach, mbSci intends to act as an unbiased guardian and communicator of the sciences, ensuring not only that the public has access to important scientific developments, but that the information reaching this audience is correct and rigorous.
Programs in various stages of development include:
A. Improve communication among scientists, scholars and educators by combining excellent science with broadcast quality media production
1. MBScience – Initial pilot series include “The Feeling Brain: Exploring The Neural Basis of Emotion” – compelling roundtable dialogues between diverse fields, with coinciding 20 minute fully illustrated Tutorial Presentations by each participatant.
2. MBSci Monographs – High level, peer reviewed scientific publications & eBooks
3. C-Wiki – a collaborative consciousness science multimedia web encyclopedia
4. Mind-Brain Education (MBE) – Focused workshops to engage leading scientists, scholars and multimedia experts to create new and more effective learning tools and curriculum
B. Integrate consciousness science with artists, humanists, educators, medical and business professionals, students and our general public
1. Frontier Science Reviews — educational web resource for students and general audiences.
2. Sci2Art — interactive gallery with installations from artists of all genres from around the world with tutorials from neuroscientists.
3. Beauty in the Brain: Exploring mind, brain and behavior through style, creativity, design and mastery.
4. Mind’s EYE: International Film Competition: a partnership with the Filmmakers Alliance to develop awareness, creative content and outreach for consciousness science.
Fundamental new insights in science often have wide ripple effects. An international collaborative effort to improve our understanding of consciousness in the brain can cast new light on learning, medicine, human relationships, even advance human potential.
Audience—Why the Emphasis on Media?
⇒ American teenagers spend nearly 11 hours on media each day.
⇒ Americans alone watch 250 billion hours of television per year.
⇒ An estimated 1 billion people use the internet daily, creating a global culture that has never existed before.
⇒ Online education is growing at an unprecedented rate – an estimated 3 million students are currently enrolled in an online class.
Media can foster engagement with others; and can be an effective environment to reflect on the nature of conscious experience — an environment where users can explore new vistas, ask questions and activate mastery in their lives. The goal is to complete the circle, using media to foster engagement with others, in lieu of isolation, and as a tool to reflect on the nature of conscious experience, rather than to drown it out. Through experiential programs, mbSci aims to capitalize on our unprecedented media consumption while at the same time reframing the way we relate to media.
Consciousness is the bridge!
mbSci promotes understanding and acceptance of our shared and unique experiences; at the same time, a better understanding of the mind-brain promises whole new technologies of personal growth. A major goal is to work with creative multimedia strategists to advance our shared vision in new and original ways.
mbSci’s Board of Directors, Scientific Advisory Board, Program Committees, and working teams include some of the field’s leading innovators, who will help to shape our curriculum, programs, research and outreach.
An early goal will be to encourage artists, humanists, clinical practitioners and scientists to engage in a productive dialogue toward achieving our common goals. We are developing a roster of pioneers – high level executives and leaders in the creative arts, media, film, fashion and music to guide our work.