Understanding MindBrain

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The Mind’s Laughter: fMRI from Japan.

Whether you know it or not, your brain acts out the words you hear. For example, a study led by Naoyuki Osaka of Kyoto University (Japan) shows that the motor cortex revs up in response to words like "belly laugh.”

Healing the ‘Split’ between science and the humanities.

It's high time to heal the split between the "Two Cultures."
"Connectivity in Human Brain"
"Connectivity in Human Brain"
"Connectivity in Human Brain"

Breakthrough: A brain measure of consciousness?

Effective connectivity refers to a causal link between two or more brain areas, as if signal traffic can now flow over a highway system.
"Walter Freeman Portrait"
"Walter Freeman Portrait"
"Walter Freeman Portrait"

Walter Freeman: The Dance of Consciousness

he challenger and the Matrix. Dr. Walter J. Freeman is a professor of Neurobiology at the University of California at Berkeley. He received an M.D. from Yale University. He completed postdoctoral training in neurophysiology at...
"Gerald Edelman Portrait"
"Gerald Edelman Portrait"
"Gerald Edelman Portrait"

Gerald Edelman on Consciousness & Neurophilosophy

Dr. Gerald Edelman discusses the brain, consciousness, Neural Darwinism, the theory of neuronal group selection (TNGS), and re-entrant feedback connections.
"Consciousness is Humanizing Post It Memo"
"Consciousness is Humanizing Post It Memo"
"Consciousness is Humanizing Post It Memo"

Gerald Edelman: From Brain Dynamics to Consciousness + How Matter Becomes Imagination

Suppose we did understand everything about how your brain works ... So, do you think it would not work by beliefs, desires, and intentions?