Why Con

Time to change your stackbroker?

The activity now known as ‘crowdsourcing’ has been around for eons. Only the technology has changed. Long ago and far away, if you wanted to present a question to a group of people, you picked a caravan route, made your que...
Why Con

The Many-Themed Notebooks of Dr. Shalizi

            Who is this person who looks like Trotsky*, writes like Nietzsche and since 1999 has gifted the neuroscience world with his opinions on almost everything of interest to neuroscience res...
Why Con
"Brain Atlas Cap"
"Brain Atlas Cap"
"Brain Atlas Cap"

The Next Generation Brain Atlas is the neuroscience analog, giving us the most detailed and complete set of images of the inner universe.

Why Con

Clear, Lucid, Intuitive Teaching: BetterExplained is in the tradition of “questions you always wanted to ask your math professor but were too scared to ask.” Clarifications and insights abound in a wide range of topics: Bayes Theorem, combinations and p...
Why Con
"Wavelets Site Image"
"Wavelets Site Image"
"Wavelets Site Image"

Catch the Wavelets

If you are learning about wavelets for the first time, or if you need a good refresher, this is the site to visit first. After all, it’s #1 on Google.
Why Con
"Build an Atom with PhET Sims"
"Build an Atom with PhET Sims"
"Build an Atom with PhET Sims"

PhET Sims + Science Literacy

PhET’s mission is to increase science literacy, especially for nonscientists.

Why Con
"Math Over Flow Name"
"Math Over Flow Name"
"Math Over Flow Name"

Math Overflow

Devoted to professional mathematicians, love of mathematics and a genuine question are the only real requirements to use and enjoy this marvelous site.