computational neuroscience

The best explanation of DSP

  I submit that acronyms are a plague upon our civilization and should be banned. Some acronyms, by being daily in the media, such as HIV, are probably recognized by most people as… what? Something bad, certainly, but ho...
abnormal psych

What I did on my summer vacation: mind hacks

When faced with a huge task, a truly humungous task which stretches out over the horizon and with no sensible timely end – bailing out the ever-expanding oceans with a tea spoon is a commonly thought of example – it’s...
abnormal psych

Will what is missing solve consciousness?

              In the world of scientific discovery and entrepaneurship, scholars often seem like the homeless of the institutional world. Yet in the midden of overwhelming masses of informatio...



From the website: Connexions is: a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Anyone may view or contribute: authors create ...
altered states

Walter Freeman and the Order of William James

The Society for Mind Brain Sciences aims to quicken public and scientific interest in consciousness science. It is worth recalling that in the United States consciousness science was among the earliest topics considered in the ...
brain experiments

“Beauty too rich for use…”

  When literate people quote The Bard you can bet dollars to donuts they are limning Shakespeare. In the quixotic world of neuroscience, it’s different. Here, The Bard is G. Bard Ermentrout, University Professor of Mathe...

abnormal psych

Technology, Entertainment, Design Talks

TED Talks Has anyone not heard of TED Talks? Apparently, because I still often find people who respond to mention of TED Talks in a way that reminds me of the old joke about medical students: Why do medical students have hunche...
Why Con

Love a gradient

A chorus of voices through millennia: Heaven’s breath, moving rhythmically, puts life into things. – Chinese (?) The one, the few, and the many. – Aristotle Dwell as near as possible to the channel in which your l...
Why Con

Not conscious yet

I heard about Ramona from Ray Kurzweil. Ramona is a chatbot. Ray said she is a good conversationalist. Better than a chess playing dog with a weak end game. I really like Ray. He’s a great inventor, and a futurist with an .86...

brain imaging
"Walter J Freeman MBSci Scientific Advisory Board"
"Walter J Freeman MBSci Scientific Advisory Board"
"Walter J Freeman MBSci Scientific Advisory Board"

Walter J. Freeman: How Brains Generate Meaning

Walter J. Freeman III, MD, PhD is an American biologist, theoretical neuroscientist and philosopher who has conducted pioneering research in how brains generate meaning. He is Professor Emeritus of Neurobiology and Member, Grad...