brain experiments
Why Con

The Many-Themed Notebooks of Dr. Shalizi

            Who is this person who looks like Trotsky*, writes like Nietzsche and since 1999 has gifted the neuroscience world with his opinions on almost everything of interest to neuroscience res...
Studio One

Scientific Integration + Media Synthesis = The Feeling Brain

Better communication in science and education can have vast ripple effects for advancing creativity, innovation, entrepreneurialism and humanity.

The Evolving Third Culture

he Art|Sci Center is dedicated to pursuing and promoting the evolving “Third Culture” by facilitating the infinite potential of collaborations between (media) arts and (bio/nano) sciences. The center’s affiliation with th...

"Walter Freeman Portrait"
"Walter Freeman Portrait"
"Walter Freeman Portrait"

Walter Freeman: The Dance of Consciousness

he challenger and the Matrix. Dr. Walter J. Freeman is a professor of Neurobiology at the University of California at Berkeley. He received an M.D. from Yale University. He completed postdoctoral training in neurophysiology at...