Author Archive
Scicon Review

How Schizophrenia Develops: Major Clues Discovered

Schizophrenia may occur, in part, because of a problem in an intermittent on/off switch for a gene involved in making a key chemical messenger in the brain, scientists have found in a study of human brain tissue. The researcher...
Scicon Review

Feeling Sleepy Is All In Your Genes

Genes responsible for our 24 hour body clock influence not only the timing of sleep, but also appear to be central to the actual restorative process of sleep, according to research published in BMC Neuroscience. The study ident...
Scicon Review

Prefrontal decision making

The role of the prefrontal cortex in decision making is today placed on a solid scientific foundation. But for the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMF), it is still uncertain whether it plays a role in decision making under unc...

Scicon Review

Dreaming: New issue

A new issue of Dreaming is out, covering topics such as dreaming and physical health, insomnia and dream content, and personality types.
Scicon Review

Brain stem may be key to consciousness:

From MindHacks An article in this week’s Science News discusses whether the brain stem may play a more central role in consciousness than it’s usually given credit for. It focuses on children with hydranencephaly, a...
Scicon Review

Gorillas heads race to extinction

According to the Red List of Threatened Species for 2007, gorillas, orangutans, and corals are among the plants and animals which are sliding closer to extinction. You can read more about this at BBC.

Scicon Review

The biology of sleep

Medscape is running a special topic edition on the biology of sleep. The articles include papers on the management of insomnia; the relationship between passive sleeping and sleep disturbance during pregnancy; and the effects o...
Scicon Review

Initiative: Decade of the Mind

Dear all! I would draw your attention to the letter  ‘A Proposal for a Decade of the Mind Initiative‘ by JAMES S. ALBUS, GEORGE A. BEKEY, JOHN H. HOLLAND, NANCY G. KANWISHER, JEFFREY L. KRICHMAR, MORTIMER MISHKIN, ...
Scicon Review

Science: special issue on social cognition

Science is running a special edition on social cognition this week. It contains papers on the evolution of social cognition Living in Societies – Caroline Ash, Gilbert Chin, Elizabeth Pennisi, and Andrew Sugden All Togeth...

Scicon Review

Forgetting the fear

There are some memories one would rather forget. This is especially true for people who suffer from phobias or from post-traumatic stress disorder. Some memories can decrease and even disappear through a process called extincti...