Author Archive
Scicon Review
Memory for what, where, when and who in nonhuman animals
Can birds remember who watched them do what, as well as when and where? Scrub jays have already been demonstrated to encode the “what-where-when” (what happened, where it happened and when it happened) of specific caching e...
Scicon Review
Mind Hacks
Tips & Tools for Using Your Brain (Hacks) by Tom Stafford, Matt Webb The brain is a fearsomely complex information-processing environment–one that often eludes our ability to understand it. At any given time, the bra...
Scicon Review
Are memory errors adaptive?
Are memory errors really a bad thing? Could they actually reflect processes that are adaptive for our existence? Schacter and Addis discuss this interesting idea in an essay on constructive memory. (Continue reading for a passa...
Scicon Review
Time and memory
Issues in Philosophy and Psychology (Consciousness and Self-Consciousness Series, 1) by Christoph Hoerl (Editor), Teresa McCormack (Editor) The capacity to represent and think about time is one of the most fundamental and least...
Scicon Review
Conscious and nonconscious memory related brain activity
Are conscious and nonconscious processes supported by overlapping brain regions? In a recent study, Slotnick and Schacter investigated whether activity, related to visual memory, in early visual regions (BA17 and BA18) is refle...
Scicon Review
Visuo-spatial consciousness and parieto-occipital EEGs
Which brain areas are involved in visuospatial consciousness? In a recent study by Babiloni and colleagues, subjects performed a visual perception task. Interestingly, these scientists found that visual-evoked potentials at par...