Posts Tagged ‘creativity’
abnormal psych

Technology, Entertainment, Design Talks

TED Talks Has anyone not heard of TED Talks? Apparently, because I still often find people who respond to mention of TED Talks in a way that reminds me of the old joke about medical students: Why do medical students have hunche...
Cool Runnings

Secret Fun

If grownups read bedtime stories out loud to one another, they could not be better entertained and better informed than by perusing Russ Walter’s Just what kinds of secret fun are on order here? Is it esoteric ...
Why Con

Not conscious yet

I heard about Ramona from Ray Kurzweil. Ramona is a chatbot. Ray said she is a good conversationalist. Better than a chess playing dog with a weak end game. I really like Ray. He’s a great inventor, and a futurist with an .86...

Why Con

The science game

Once upon a time, guys and gals read the sports pages for the drama of how their teams and their favorite sports warriors were doing. Batting averages, total yards gained, what Federer wore to Center Court at Wimbledon, these w...


  “If one figures out how to create energy from the vacuum or transmit information faster than light, it’ll surely be done by applying the theory in new and unexpected ways, rather than by using specific experimental r...
Why Con


  If anything can be said to exist, there is a philosopher prepared to debate its existence. Likewise in neuroscience, amusements become canonical, as in the website featuring the drawing above, and someone will step up to...

Why Con
"Activate Mastery"
"Activate Mastery"
"Activate Mastery"

Ask Questions. Activate Mastery.

“…to understand the mind one must understand the brain.”
Why Con

Clear, Lucid, Intuitive Teaching: BetterExplained is in the tradition of “questions you always wanted to ask your math professor but were too scared to ask.” Clarifications and insights abound in a wide range of topics: Bayes Theorem, combinations and p...
"Eric Kandel mbSci Art of Insight Interview Rubin Museum"
"Eric Kandel mbSci Art of Insight Interview Rubin Museum"
"Eric Kandel mbSci Art of Insight Interview Rubin Museum"

Eric Kandel: Understanding the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain

A brilliant book by Nobel Prize winner Eric R. Kandel, The Age of Insight takes us to Vienna 1900, where leaders in science, medicine, and art began a revolution that changed forever how we think about the human mind—our cons...


The Evolving Third Culture

he Art|Sci Center is dedicated to pursuing and promoting the evolving “Third Culture” by facilitating the infinite potential of collaborations between (media) arts and (bio/nano) sciences. The center’s affiliation with th...