Posts Tagged ‘brain’
artificial intelligence

an eelnet made by man for the eel fighting: An introduction to network theory and practice

  The title of this entry contains the penultimate line in a poem by Robert Lowell entitled Dolphin. The net that binds the confessional poet has many strands: the iron-clad spoils of his pitiless memory, the effervescence...
brain disorders of aging

New Insights into Nerve Regeneration

Nerve regeneration is the Holy Grail of medical neuroscience. The traditional dogma is that in humans — unlike other animals — nerve regeneration simply does not occur. We start life with those 80+ billion neurons i...
brain experiments

Good ol’ RasMol: Molecular modeling for the masses

                  Chemical effects on the brain are both fascinating and necessary for survival. Endogenous neuromodulators and neurotransmitters and their receptors are switches whi...

altered states

Mental physics

                          Mullah Nasruddin embodies the way of the wise fool to which one aspires  with increasing maturity: One day, people saw Mullah Nasruddin...
basal ganglia

A 20 micron resolution 3D map of a human brain

            Resolution is now often measured in pixels, but the more familiar method is to use measures of distance. Resolution is not the same as size, although the two terms are sometimes conflat...
brain experiments

NOVA beta

Please put away your books and notes, it’s time for a quiz. Circle the answer below which best represents the date of the first computer. 1822  CE 70  BCE 1206  CE 1941  CE 2700  BCE Depending on your perspective, and wh...

altered states

If the conscious self is an illusion – who is it that’s being fooled?

This weblog – – authored by Peter Hankins started as an attempt to quickly dispense with the problems that others were having with consciousness – a few pithy, essays, world enlig...
abnormal psych

HUMOR – Everything you didn’t know about the brain – HUMOR

  Dr. John Cleese is a world-famous British neuroscientist whose work with Claude Bernard and Ivan Pavlov first brought him to the attention of scientists on the world stage. (This is completely false.) During the 20th cen...
abnormal psych

What I did on my summer vacation: mind hacks

When faced with a huge task, a truly humungous task which stretches out over the horizon and with no sensible timely end – bailing out the ever-expanding oceans with a tea spoon is a commonly thought of example – it’s...

basal ganglia

Play the Name the Brain Game

At last, Cool Runnings brings you something you have always wanted: an interactive web site which will teach you 91 brain structures! The head-, neck-, spine- and brainchild of Brett Young, MD, at the site’s birth a neuroradi...