brain imaging
Scicon Review

Decoding the visual and subjective contents of the human brain

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, Kamitani and Tong demonstrate that the activity in early visual areas correlate closely with the perceived orientation of a stimulus. This work provides a demonstration of how higher...
Scicon Review

New fMRI study of conscious perception

A new study documents the effects of conscious perception in the brain.
Scicon Review

Brain Scans Show Deaf Subjects ‘Hear’ Vibrations

Deaf people use the region of the brain associated with hearing to sense vibrations, a new study shows. “These findings illustrate how altered experience can affect brain organization,” says investigator Dean Shibat...

Scicon Review

Neural correlates of consciousness in humans

The primate visual system has been extensively investigated in the search for the neural correlates of conscious experience. This article reviews data from functional neuroimaging studies in humans and electrophysiological stud...