

And now for something completely different. What is it that burdens academic scholars (and researchers too, may Zeus bless them) more than anything else? Is it the quasi-mystical search for tenure? No. Paltry college salaries? ...
abnormal psych

Will what is missing solve consciousness?

              In the world of scientific discovery and entrepaneurship, scholars often seem like the homeless of the institutional world. Yet in the midden of overwhelming masses of informatio...
Why Con

The science game

Once upon a time, guys and gals read the sports pages for the drama of how their teams and their favorite sports warriors were doing. Batting averages, total yards gained, what Federer wore to Center Court at Wimbledon, these w...

"Eric Kandel mbSci Art of Insight Interview Rubin Museum"
"Eric Kandel mbSci Art of Insight Interview Rubin Museum"
"Eric Kandel mbSci Art of Insight Interview Rubin Museum"

Eric Kandel: Understanding the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain

A brilliant book by Nobel Prize winner Eric R. Kandel, The Age of Insight takes us to Vienna 1900, where leaders in science, medicine, and art began a revolution that changed forever how we think about the human mind—our cons...
Why Con
"Ignorance Book"
"Ignorance Book"
"Ignorance Book"

Ignorance: How It Drives Science

Firestein (a neurobiologist at Columbia University) takes us outside of the lab meetings, popular-science books, journal papers, and public talks where scientists promote what they already know and invites us into the bars and ...
Scicon Review

Neuroscience Meets Psychoanalysis

From the Dana Foundation: Dr. Pierre Magistretti and Dr. Francois Ansermet spoke with Dana Foundation Chairman William Safire about their book, Biology of Freedom: Neural Plasticity, Experience, and the Unconscious, and the bri...

Scicon Review

Everyday Practice of Science: Where Intuition and Passion Meet Objectivity and Logic

Everyday Practice of Science: Where Intuition and Passion Meet Objectivity and Logic BY FREDERICK GRINNELL OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 248 PAGES Reviewed by Alice Kim From grade school onwards, I was taught that science follows a l...
Scicon Review

Understanding Consciousness, 2nd Edition

Authored by Max Velmans Understanding Consciousness, 2nd Edition provides a unique survey and evaluation of consciousness studies, along with an original analysis of consciousness that combines scientific findings, philosophy ...
Scicon Review

Outliers: The Story of Success

Why do some people succeed far more than others? Martin Gladwell, the author of The Tipping Point and Blink, tackles this question in his latest book Outliers.  Gladwell argues that the true story of success is much more comp...

Scicon Review

Inventing Our Selves: Psychology, Power, and Personhood

Inventing Our Selves: Psychology, Power, and Personhood BY NIKOLAS ROSE Cambridge University Press (December 28, 1998) 236 pages Book summary by Alice Kim In Inventing Our Selves: Psychology, Power, and Personhood, Rose questi...