
The sexiest mammal on earth?

Meadow voles could show Miss Piggy a thing or two. (Copyright Disney, under fair use, via Wikipedia). Consider the love life of the meadow vole, the sexiest little mammal on Planet Earth. Voles are small mouse-like mammals wh...
abnormal psych

Quora, when you just have to have intelligent responses

     You are obsessed with a question. Your sleep is interrupted. When you are sleeping, you dream about the question. You have discussed it with all the usual ...
abnormal psych

See cartoons: The new New Yorker science site

  Dramatic pictures and funny cartoons! Serious science and trending technology! Snappy editing and peppy prose! How would you pitch such a thing? Like combining National Geographic, Scientific American and The New Yorker ...

abnormal psych

What I did on my summer vacation: mind hacks

When faced with a huge task, a truly humungous task which stretches out over the horizon and with no sensible timely end – bailing out the ever-expanding oceans with a tea spoon is a commonly thought of example – it’s...
abnormal psych

Will what is missing solve consciousness?

              In the world of scientific discovery and entrepaneurship, scholars often seem like the homeless of the institutional world. Yet in the midden of overwhelming masses of informatio...
altered states

Walter Freeman and the Order of William James

The Society for Mind Brain Sciences aims to quicken public and scientific interest in consciousness science. It is worth recalling that in the United States consciousness science was among the earliest topics considered in the ...

artificial intelligence

Read All about It: Neuroscience questions answered

  Anyone comparing the title of today’s blog and the website memorialized may experience cognitive dissonance. Or has the editor succumbed completely to physics fetishism? In point of fact, this venerable website contain...
abnormal psych

Technology, Entertainment, Design Talks

TED Talks Has anyone not heard of TED Talks? Apparently, because I still often find people who respond to mention of TED Talks in a way that reminds me of the old joke about medical students: Why do medical students have hunche...
Why Con


  If anything can be said to exist, there is a philosopher prepared to debate its existence. Likewise in neuroscience, amusements become canonical, as in the website featuring the drawing above, and someone will step up to...

Why Con

The Many-Themed Notebooks of Dr. Shalizi

            Who is this person who looks like Trotsky*, writes like Nietzsche and since 1999 has gifted the neuroscience world with his opinions on almost everything of interest to neuroscience res...