artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence

Has the Turing test really been cracked?

It’s every headline writer’s dream: A scientific breakthrough! Named after the great mathematician Alan Turing, so it has to be important! It was a dream nobody could resist. When the The University of Reading (UK)  announ...
artificial intelligence

When will we find our Legos?

       For many of us growing up, Legos, not atoms or molecules, were the fundamental building block...
abnormal psych

Quora, when you just have to have intelligent responses

     You are obsessed with a question. Your sleep is interrupted. When you are sleeping, you dream about the question. You have discussed it with all the usual ...

artificial intelligence

Golly GOL wizard and The Game of Life The Game Of Life (not the board game by Hasbro/Funskool!) is a mathematical ‘zero-player game’ – the player can’t intervene after the game has started. Technically, it’...
artificial intelligence

mCRL2: Are there process algebras in our brain?

  When Cool Runnings had its one year birthday recently, we took time to reflect on what kind of sites we had come to particularly value. They had to do with neuroscience, of course, and when possible, with consciousness s...
abnormal psych

See cartoons: The new New Yorker science site

  Dramatic pictures and funny cartoons! Serious science and trending technology! Snappy editing and peppy prose! How would you pitch such a thing? Like combining National Geographic, Scientific American and The New Yorker ...

artificial intelligence

an eelnet made by man for the eel fighting: An introduction to network theory and practice

  The title of this entry contains the penultimate line in a poem by Robert Lowell entitled Dolphin. The net that binds the confessional poet has many strands: the iron-clad spoils of his pitiless memory, the effervescence...
altered states

If the conscious self is an illusion – who is it that’s being fooled?

This weblog – – authored by Peter Hankins started as an attempt to quickly dispense with the problems that others were having with consciousness – a few pithy, essays, world enlig...
abnormal psych

What I did on my summer vacation: mind hacks

When faced with a huge task, a truly humungous task which stretches out over the horizon and with no sensible timely end – bailing out the ever-expanding oceans with a tea spoon is a commonly thought of example – it’s...

abnormal psych

Will what is missing solve consciousness?

              In the world of scientific discovery and entrepaneurship, scholars often seem like the homeless of the institutional world. Yet in the midden of overwhelming masses of informatio...