abnormal psych
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Gene variants may increase risk of anxiety disorders

From physorg: Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers – in collaboration with scientists at the University of California at San Diego and Yale University – have discovered perhaps the strongest evidence yet linking...
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New issue: Personality and Individual Differences

A new issue of PID is out, including articles on borderline and self-regulation, black anti-white attitudes and personality, and stress reactions and personality.
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How Schizophrenia Develops: Major Clues Discovered

Schizophrenia may occur, in part, because of a problem in an intermittent on/off switch for a gene involved in making a key chemical messenger in the brain, scientists have found in a study of human brain tissue. The researcher...

Scicon Review

New insights into OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common debilitating psychiatric disorder, yet the cause of OCD is unknown and few effective treatments are available. A recent study of mutant mice reveals a novel mechanism leading to O...
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Anhedonia — great intro and review at Medscape.com

Medscape.com has a very nice article on anhedonia, which is described as “an inability to experience pleasure from normally pleasurable life events such as eating, exercise, and social or sexual interaction”. Here, ...
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When the Need to Belong Goes Wrong

When the Need to Belong Goes Wrong: The Expression of Social Anhedonia and Social Anxiety in Daily Life People possess an innate need to belong that drives social interactions. Aberrations in the need to belong, such as social ...

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Ventromedial moral

Does the ventromedial prefrontal cortex play a role in personal moral judgment? Medscape.com has a nice report on 7 patients with lesions in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex that find that “the ventromedial prefrontal c...
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Trating panic disorders — an update

Psychotherapy and benzodiazepines have been reported as effective panic disorder treatments individually with different benefits and disadvantages. Does combining the therapies offer extra advantages? Medscap.com brings a report.
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Visual hallucinations? Draw it!

Visual (and other non-visual) hallucinations sometimes occur during epileptic seizures. A relatively straightforward but little used method to describe these experiences is to ask the sufferer to draw the hallucinations —...

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Bipolar depression — treatment and perils

Why is it seemingly more difficult to treat bipolar depression than bipolar mania? Why does it seem so hard to get the FDA to approve medications for bipolar depression? Medscape brings the latest news.