Understanding MindBrain

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Author Instructions

Publicize your own research articles using SCR News Summaries. Or call the world’s attention to others’ significant findings. Science & Consciousness Review is a science magazine for current studies of consciousness. We believe that consciousness is the most humanizing topic in the sciences, medicine and the humanities. It is once again a hot topic. But much of the available evidence is not yet widely known.That is where we hope you will join us to make a contribution. Authors keep copyright to their SCR articles.

SCR is NOT a conventional peer-reviewed journal. Our mission is education – for scientists and scholars, students and other fans of consciousness.

Our authors are asked to send SCR summaries of the most enjoyable, significant, and educational articles in the empirical literature. Contributors are requested to present summaries in a clear and vivid manner. Imagine that you are talking to a friend or student.

Since SCR is as a community online, authors are encouraged to take advantage of the medium by including links to relevant websites, homepages, graphic images, animations, experiments, demonstrations, keywords, and other online references make SCR articles more helpful to all readers.

With your manuscript please send us your full name, title, institution or personal residence, and a photo if possible. Your e-mail and personal homepage URL are also most welcome. All submissions are to be sent by email (see relevant addresses below). All major Windows formats (.doc, .rtf, etc.) as well as plaintext (.txt) and HTML are accepted. Graphic files should be attached separately. All articles will credit authors and institutions. To reach a wider audience SCR editors may in their judgement make minor changes when necessary. Each accepted summary is given a standard reference to Science & Consciousness Review, Year, and Issue number. Authors keep copyright to all the materials we publish. All communication is by email.

Authors will receive a confirmation of receipt and a decision on acceptance. We aim for rapid feedback and publication.

News Summaries

News Summaries should be about 500 words. News Summaries should briefly present findings from the scientific literature about consciousness. Please note: we also invite researchers to send us summaries of their own work! An expanded Abstract may do the trick.

Theory and History articles

Manuscripts should be no more than 1500 words (preferably written in Verdana 10 pt, with 1.5 lines). They should have 1) a 100-200 word abstract, 2) a review of existing evidence and theory, 3) a section for the author’s own (speculative or firm) hypotheses, and 4) a brief conclusion. Remember that for the purposes of SCR, your ideas must be TESTABLE empirically.

Book Reviews

Book Reviews should be no more than 1,500 words (preferably in Verdana 10 pt, with 1.5 lines). They should consist of 1) complete information about the reviewed book’s author’s), title, and publisher; 2) a description of the books main arguments, 3) your comments, and 4) a concluding evaluation of the book.

To submit your work to the Science and Consciousness Review, please send an email to the Managing Editor.